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03. 05. 2024, 15:49


Visits from 25.8.2017:

  How Beautiful

Twila Paris
Twila Paris

Total views: 812

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How Beautiful

How beautiful the hands that served
the wine and the bread
and the sons of the earth.

How beautiful the feet that walked
the long dusty roads
and the hills to the cross.

How beautiful,
how beautiful,
how beautiful is the body of Christ.

How beautiful the heart that bled
that took all my sin
and bore it instead.

How beautiful the tender eyes
that chose to forgive
and never despise.

How beautiful,
how beautiful,
how beautiful is the body of Christ.

And as He laid down His life
we offer this sacrifice

that we will live just as He died:
willing to pay the price,
willing to pay the price.

How beautiful the radient Bride
who waits for her Groom
with His light in her eyes.

How beautiful when humble hearts give
the fruit of pure lives
so that others may live.

How beautiful,
how beautiful,
how beautiful is the body of Christ.

How beautiful the feet that bring
the sound of good news
and the love of the King.

How beautifull the hands that serve
the wine and the bread
and the sons of the earth.

How beautiful,
how beautiful,
how beautiful is the body of Christ.

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