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02. 05. 2024, 17:01


Visits from 25.8.2017:

  There's a Hole In the Bucket

Harry Belafonte
Harry Belafonte

Total views: 4202

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  Attachment to the song

There's a Hole In the Bucket

              D           G
1. There's a hole in the bucket dear Lisa dear Lisa
              D           G           A      D
   there's a hole in the bucket dear Lisa a hole.

2. Then mend it dear Henry dear Henry dear Henry
   then mend it dear Henry dear Henry mend it!

3. With what shall I mend it dear Lisa dear Lisa
   with what shall I mend it dear Lisa with what?

4. With a straw dear Henry dear Henry dear Herny
   with a straw dear Henry dear Henry with a straw.

5. The straw is too long dear Lisa dear Lisa
   the straw is too long dear Lisa too long.

6. Then cut it dear Henry dear Henry dear Henry
   then cut it dear Henry dear Henry cut it!

7. With what shall I cut it dear Lisa dear Lisa
   with what shall I cut it dear Lisa with what?

8. With an axe dear Henry dear Henry dear Henry
   with an axe dear Henry dear Henry with an axe.

9. The axe is too dull dear Lisa dear Lisa
   the axe is too dull dear Lisa too dull.

10. Then sharpen it dear Henry dear Henry dear Henry
    then sharpen it dear Henry dear Henry sharpen it!

11. On what shall I sharpen it dear Lisa dear Lisa
    on what shall I sharpen it dear Lisa on what?

12. On a stone dear Henry dear Henry dear Henry
    on a stone dear Henry dear Henry on a stone.

13. The stone it too dry dear Lisa dear Lisa
    the stone it too dry dear Lisa too dry.

14. Then wet it dear Henry dear Henry dear Henry
    then wet it dear Henry dear Henry wet it!

15. With what shall I wet it dear Lisa dear Lisa
    with what shall I wet it dear Lisa with what?

16. Try water dear Henry dear Henry dear Henry
    try water dear Henry dear Henry try water.

17. In what shall I fetch it dear Lisa dear Lisa
    in what shall I fetch it dear Lisa in what?

18. In a bucket dear Henry dear Henry dear Henry
    in a bucket dear Henry dear Henry in a bucket.


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