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08. 10. 2024, 08:32


Visits from 25.8.2017:


Helena Zeťová
Helena Zeťová

Total views: 3710

IDXGKARPrice TimeBytesDownloadDEMOAuthorDate
22892. XGKaraoke4 ($ €)02:43644830DEMOMidistage-Petr Eger12.09.2007
22893. XGKaraoke4 ($ €)02:43645110DEMOMidistage-Petr Eger12.09.2007

  Attachment to the song


Intro: Cismi7,A,H,H/Gis

   Cismi7      A           H           H/Gis
1. Twenty four hours to go You sent me flowers I know

   This is the start of something very special

   You've got me feeling this good I wouldn't stop if I could

   You'are pushing limits, but it feels of natural

   Should I play? Hard to hold

   Should I stay? Should I go?

   Give up all self control?

                      Cismi  A             H    H/Gis
R: This isn't mission impossible It's just so logical

   This love's unstoppable Now there's no end inside

   'cos what you've got is untakeable It's unmistakeable

   This love's unstoppable Rock me all through the night

2. My body shivers to your touch
   I'm gonna help you keep it up
   We're moving slowly but my heart is racing
   I can't believe I can't resist All that
   I crave is in your kiss
   All I believe is everything you're saying
   Should I play? Hard to get
   Should I stay or regret?
   All I feel you can't forget

R: This isn't mission impossible It's just so logical
   This love's unstoppable Now there's no end inside
   'cos what you've got is untakeable It's unmistakeable
   This love's unstoppable Rock me all through the night

   We're untakeable baby

R: This isn't mission impossible It's just so logical
   This love's unstoppable Now there's no end inside
   'cos what you've got is untakeable It's unmistakeable
   This love's unstoppable Rock me all through the night

   This isn't mission impossible It's just so logical
   This love's unstoppable Now there's no end inside
   'cos what you've got is untakeable It's unmistakeable
   This love's unstoppable Rock me all through the night

Lyrics send: Midistage-Petr Eger

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