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08. 10. 2024, 08:58


Visits from 25.8.2017:

  Could you, would you, should you

Shaun Baker / Karel Svoboda
Shaun Baker

Popelka dance version

Total views: 2311

IDXGKARPrice TimeBytesDownloadDEMOAuthorDate
29382. XG4 ($ €)03:22651680DEMOMidistars13.04.2009
29383. XG4 ($ €)03:22655230DEMOMidistars13.04.2009
29384. XGKaraoke4 ($ €)03:22588360DEMOMidistars13.04.2009
29385. XGKaraoke4 ($ €)03:22591180DEMOMidistars13.04.2009
29386. XGKaraoke4 ($ €)03:33408340DEMOPremiermusic13.04.2009

  Attachment to the song

Could you, would you, should you

Va la la la la la lalalala
u la la lááá

Va la la la la la lalalala
u la la la lalala
Va la la la la la lalalala
u la la lááá 
If you could be king
Of all you survey
Only just for one day

Would it be good if you knew that you'd could?
Change your world for better

We all tend to dream
What wonders we have seen

We should take care of the things that are good
Don't you think now is the time that you should
Could you, would you, should you
Be caring
Could you, would you, should you

The world needs you now and you need it too
Whichever whatever be good and be true
Could you, would you, should you
Could you, would you, should you

Va la la la la la lalalala
u la la la lalala
Va la la la la la lalalala
u la la lááá 

Hey heye a lá lá lá lá á, 
layá á á á á 
na á á a ááá

Making a change you'd know that we could
Every day we have the power
Making a difference is all up to us
Change a world forever
And what would we do
For better or worse we choose

We should take care of the things that are good
Don't you think now is the time that you should
Could you, would you, should you
Be caring
Could you, would you, should you

The world needs you now and you need it too
Whichever whatever be good and be true
Could you, would you, should you
Could you, would you, should you

Va la la la la la lalalala
u la la la lalala
Va la la la la la lalalala
u la la lááá 

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